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Market Monitor

An illustrative snapshot of what the report contains each quarter

Our Market Monitor, tracking market size, market leaders, fastest growing providers, provider news, consumer focus, consumer activity and consumer sentimentOur Market Monitor, tracking market size, market leaders, fastest growing providers, provider news, consumer focus, consumer activity and consumer sentiment

Introducing Market Monitor

Market Monitor is our quarterly report we produce for those who are planning, launching or operating investment and pensions services direct to consumers in the UK market today. We use data and insights from three key sources – major DIY platforms, our consumer surveys and reports, and observations from our own site and Best Buy tables.

The report is used by clients to inform Board and senior management reports, to feed PR and investor relations reports, to inform digital marketing teams on market activity and consumer trends, and to provide ongoing competitor intel. The image shown here summarises just some of the data and insights we share with clients each quarter, in our fuller report which is emailed in PPT for ease, and presented online to interested parties in your firm.

Key data provided by the report includes:

  • The size of the UK DIY investment market and recent growth

  • The number of DIY investor accounts and recent growth

  • Market share by key groups of providers, including your own market share and changes over time

  • Consumer feedback on platforms including those with the highest NPS scores

  • Aggregated platform data including cash held on platforms, tax wrappers and more

  • Insights from our tables on key search, comparison and conversion activity

  • Featured insights from a topical subject – we have covered advice, sustainable investment and pensions to date

  • Competitor insights – a look across the market at developments, trends and changes

This is our ‘starter’ product for firms who want regular insights to stay abreast of how they are performing, what is growth like, what are consumers up to – and how are competitors changing?

Market Monitor

Please contact us for more information on Market Monitor and how it can support your Executive Team, your investor relations team, and your PR, proposition, marketing and commercial teams.

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