Our in-depth reports explore the investment and pensions markets using our unique data, insight and analysis.

Pensions Report 2024
The Pensions Report 2024 provides a detailed look at pension ownership and explores consumer sentiment, behaviours and needs with regards to pensions in the UK. The report will focus on understanding the customer journey for pension holders at different life-stages, supporting retail firms to identify the most effective messaging to attract pension holders across the consumer spectrum.

When the Carrot Meets the Stick
As the industry develops its thinking on the Advice Guidance Boundary Review, “When The Carrot Meets The Stick” considers the consumer need and industry opportunity which this brings.
Supported by Just Group and Wealth Wizards, this white paper sizes the Advice Gap, considers the potential for targeted support, assesses the role which hybrid guidance and advice can play and shares learnings from live tests conducted with Boring Money readers.

Vulnerable Customers Report 2024
The Understanding Vulnerable Customers 2024 report aims to provide platforms, asset managers, and advice firms with critical insights into the characteristics and needs of vulnerable investors. This year, the report focuses on addressing the challenges posed by the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) Consumer Duty requirements, helping firms better understand and serve vulnerable customers.

Sustainable Investing - Demand and Disclosure
The report outlines consumer awareness and interest in sustainable investments over the past year, with valuable insights on their comprehension of sustainable investment concepts and labeling, and recommendations for providers in response to the FCA’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements.

Online Investing Report 2024
In Out, In Out, Shake it all about
Back for its 8th year, Boring Money’s Online Investing Report 2024 is coming! The report is the must-have research publication for any provider looking to set up or currently running a direct-to-consumer investment or pension business in the UK.

Pensions Report 2023
The aim of this report is to provide a detailed look at pension ownership and consumer attitudes towards pensions in the UK, and to explore the appetite for pension engagement and approaches to pension pot consolidation. This report also digs into the retirement journey, including financial plans for retirement, triggers to retirement and the role of semi-retirement / paid work in retirement.

Customer Insights for Consumer Duty
This report has been created in response to largely intermediated asset managers wanting support with their Consumer Duty obligations, providing a deep dive into what we have learnt about how asset managers can ensure they are helping investors achieve their objectives.

A Framework for Measuring Value for Advice Firms
The FCA’s Consumer Duty requires regulated financial providers to evidence that they are providing good outcomes for the end customer. This report introduces a framework that can be used as a tool by advice firms to measure and benchmark the outcomes they are providing for their clients.

Vulnerable Customers Report 2022
In this new report for 2022, Boring Money assesses vulnerable customers for the investment industry. As part of the final guidance on Consumer Duty, published in July 2022 FG22/5, the FCA places particular emphasis on the “firms paying attention to the needs of customers with characteristics of vulnerability” under all 4 objectives.

Pensions Report 2022
The aim of this report is to provide a detailed look at consumer attitudes towards pensions, product ownership, and explore the appetite for pension engagement and approaches to pension pot consolidation. Plans for retirement are also analysed and compared against the behaviour of those already retired.
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