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Data & Tracker Services

Our core data products - Platform Investor Tracker, Saver & Investor Analysis and Fund Investor Tracker.

Advised Investor Tracker: A syndicated benchmark study

Advised Investor Tracker

Coming soon - A syndicated benchmark study

  1. In 2023 we ran a research project to identify the core components of value. The findings are summarised in our free white paper which you can download below.

  2. The full report – A Framework for Measuring Value for Advice Firms – is detailed here.

  3. These metrics provide the framework we are using with a syndicate of advice firms in 2024 to track and benchmark value.

Platform Investor Tracker

Platform Investor Tracker

Our new Platform Investor Tracker has been designed with Consumer Duty in mind. We will engage 2,000+ platform investors every 6 months. We can supply platforms with independent metrics on what your customers value, to include service and customer support, and also benchmark platforms against peers.

fund investor tracker for asset managers

Fund Investor Tracker

Fund Investor Tracker is designed for Asset Managers and other stakeholders participating in retail fund management. It provides your business with on-demand access to research, data & insights from our team of specialist analysts.

saver and invest analysis service

Saver & Investor Analysis

Saver & Investor Analysis is designed for distributors and platforms, helping them track brand perception among retail fund investors, understand customer sentiment, outlook and investing intentions.

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