Customer Insights for Consumer Duty
Boring Money have been conducting qualitative and quantitative research with fund investors for over 5 years.
This report has been created in response to largely intermediated asset managers wanting support with their Consumer Duty obligations.
The report provides a deep dive into what we have learnt about how asset managers can ensure they are helping investors achieve their objectives.

Sources for this report
Fund Investor Tracker
16 quarterly surveys from Q1 2019 to the present
25,000+ responses from UK fund investors
Detailed questions on investment and value
Annual investment survey
6,000+ nationally representative UK adults
Surveys conducted each January over the last 7 years
Ongoing qualitative feedback
To support our expert views on how to enhance documents and customer journeys
This report will provide
Table of contents
What the report will support you to deliver
Get in touch with us to buy the report
Please contact jim@boringmoney.co.uk for more information or to request a call with the research team.
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